REST Fest: Eclipse Edition
The time has come for the last total solar eclipse in centuries, and your REST is revolutionary! Eclipse myths tell of celestial dragons and humans fighting for the light. Before the sky goes dark, REST Fest lights up Austin with parades, live music, dance, haptic art, and dinner in the dark.

Apr 04, 2024, 6:00 PM
Dougherty Arts Center, 1110 Barton Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78704, USA
> > > EVENT SCHEDULE < < <
REST Fest Eve at the Dougherty Arts Center Theater (DAC)
6 pm | Dinner in the Dark (Exclusive Location)
Featuring Taste of Ethiopia (vegan), custom drinks, and immersive art games with The Theorists
7:30 pm | Dance in the Dark (DAC Theater)
Blues Social Dance with Live Music from The Sharp Dress Nines!
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Dreamland Performances and Parties
4 pm | RESTshop (DAC Theater)
Movement Class with Persi Mey (Th), Kayur Patel (Fri), & Amy Morrow (Sat)
6 pm | Open House (DAC Gallery)
Featuring: Free Artisan Market, Immersive Art, VR, Body Work, and Hammock Garden Sound Baths
7 pm | Live Music and Dance performances (DAC Theater)
Featuring: The Theorists, XYZ Atlas, and Immersive Art Installations by Denver Gonzales
8 pm | Light Up Austin Parade (Butler Park)
Featuring: Free golden hour performance parade
8 pm | Dance in the Dark Social (DAC Theater)
Featuring: Brazilian Zouk social dance (Th/Sat) and Kizomba social dance (Fri)
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Ending Ritual and Total Solar Eclipse
10 am | Ending Ritual (DAC Theater)
Join us for a closing circle and giving back to the Dougherty Arts Center for being our REST Fest home
1:32 pm - 1:41 pm | Total Solar Eclipse (Butler Park)
Front-row viewing and free parking for the total solar eclipse
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> > > TICKETS < < <
🐉 February 12 🧧
Tickets open on the Chinese New Year and the first super new moon!
🐉 March 10 🌑
We have a surprise announced on IG @thetheorists on the second super new moon!
🐉 April 3-8 ✨
Prices go up at the door the week of the third super new moon and a total solar eclipse!
*No one will be turned away for lack of funds if we have space for rush tickets at the door. We believe in RESTiprocity. All proceeds directly pay unhoused artists to create and curate art shows with our programs Draw Together and Urban Echo.
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REST Fest is a collaborative experiment by The Theorists, produced by Fisterra (www.fisterra.xyz).
It has been financed in part by the City of Austin’s Elevate Grant Program.
Festival Pass
✨Attend everything! 🎟️ $100-$175 (Name your price for this $355 value!) ✨Prices go up to $175 at the door. ✨ Note: Wed 6 pm Dinner in the Dark is not included. Please purchase a separate ticket as our exclusive dinner has limited space.
Pay what you wantSale endedVIP Festival Pass
As a VIP, you receive a reservation to opening REST Fest Eve Dinner and Dance in the Dark, a parking pass for all events, a backstage tour and photo onstage with artists, original wire art sculpture by Co-Director Denver Gonzales, and enjoy our VIP hub with complimentary craft cocktails provided by Revolution Spirits. Enjoy exclusive reservations to 5 master classes, 4 social dances, 3 performances, 2 pop-up events, and be at the heart of 1 phenomenal Festival!
$250.00Tax: +$7.50 credit feeSale endedWed Dinner & Dance in the Dark
✨ Attend the Opening Dinner and Dance in the Dark 🎟️ $35-$110 ✨ immersive three-course dinner with the artists (vegan, no nuts, gluten-free) followed by a Blues Social Dance with live music by the Sharp Dressed Nines. Prices go up to $75 at the door.
Pay what you wantSale endedThursday Pass
✨ Attend all Thursday Festival Events! 🎟️ $5-$50 (Name your price for this $100 value!) ✨ Thursday is community day. No one is turned away for ability to pay.
Pay what you wantSale endedFriday Pass
✨ Attend all Friday Festival Events! 🎟️ $25-$75 (Name your price for this $100 value!) ✨ Prices go up to $75 at the door.
Pay what you wantSale endedSaturday Pass
✨ Attend all Friday Festival Events! 🎟️ $25-$75 (Name your price for this $100 value!) ✨ Prices go up to $75 at the door.
Pay what you wantSale endedDance in the Dark Socials
🎟️ Pay what you can $8-$20 🎟️ NOTE: Each event requires a separate ticket. ✨ PERFORMANCE OPTIONS: 🎵 Wed 4/3: Live Blues music by Sharp Dress Nines 🎵 Th 4/4 & Sat. 4/6: Brazilian Zouk 🎵 Fri 4/5: Kizomba | Prices go up to $20 at door
Pay what you wantSale endedDigital Ticket
Filmed performances and access to behind-the-scenes peaks about the project and your name on The REST Fest website as a 2024 supporter.
$50.00Tax: +$1.50 credit feeSale ended