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Welcome to Dreamland


Original Drawing by Elizabeth Hartzell

Dreamscape I

Dreamscape-escape InsTallaTion



April 4, 5, 6 @6pm

Dougherty Arts Center room 2W

Don't check out. Come check in and begin again.




The Hydrofénix


Visual art by Denver Gonzales

Soundbath by Plantonics

Living Art Sculpture and Hydroponic system, Copper wire, rocks, gold ink, mint, basil, pothos


When they try to bury you, remember you are a seed. Come rest. From ashes and roots, you will rise.  T

ears water, but Love grows. 



Blooming Dragon

Dance performances by Alanna Stubbs

Music by David Quick


This immersive work is an improvisational piece based on growth, reflection, and self-discovery. A part dragon part human creature to guide and navigate through the complicated questions life gives us and the re-birth that is found when we lean into these complex questions rather than running away.

XYZ Atlas Virtual Reality


Inspired by the visionary Jennifer Chenoweth

Music by: Plantonics & The Theorists


What are the places that made you who you are, but are no longer here? Where do you rest and feel at home? We are making an invisible map of erasure so we can reclaim places of rest in Austin.


Where do you feel a sense of belonging? The path of our emotional worlds are forged while we walk. Be both the map maker and the traveler. You belong here.



Artistic Décor


Original designs by AURA (Assistance for Ukrainian Refugees in Austin), Oakley Thigpen and Denver Gonzales


Everything you see is uniquely handcrafted by local artists - ask if you are interested in purchasing a piece.



Dreamland show


April 4, 5, 6 @7pm

Dougherty Arts Center Theater

Worlds are ending and beginning in the very same breath.

Come dream a new future with us, now.





Choreography by Persi Mey

Featuring dancers: Tobaric Atkins-Montana, Danielle Shaw, Zinnia Havelka, Loren Holmes, Lauren Burke, and Michelle Rayes

Featuring Live Music by Javier Jara, Eduardo Cassapia, and Juan Rangel


A journey of self-discovery and meaning of the self. We dive into a deep personal human journey, offering a perspective on our conceptions of self and identity. On stage, the two sides of one being meet. Together, they will reach their completion, well... maybe?

Future Human Support Positions


Choreography by Chelsea Zeffiro & Friends

Featuring dancers: Chelsea Zeffiro & Friends and Ian Isles 

Featuring Live Music by Javier Jara, Eduardo Cassapia, and Juan Rangel


The work is developed from a practice by the same name. This work was an examination of kinship, care, and comfort/soothing following a period of sheltering-in-place in 2020 due to Covid-19. While this work is rooted in movement and relationship, it also includes portable design elements that create a sparkling, other-worldly environment.

My work is rooted in dance – expanded outward through experimental and collaborative practices that incorporate digital media, theater elements, design, and writing. At the core of my work is a desire to slow down time and interrogate the details of a moment; reframing scale and sequence to destabilize and transform something habitual or familiar.

On & On


Choreography by Barbara Jo Stetzelberger

Featuring dancers: Barbara Jo Stetzelberger, Sonja Dangler, and Jennifer Williams,

Featuring Live Music by Javier Jara, Eduardo Cassapia, and Juan Rangel


We explore the thoughts, experiences, and beliefs we drag along with us and try to be rid of, ignore or make peace with. We desire to find humor in a visual representation of the mental & emotional confusion we all struggle with and a kinesthetic sense of being playfully engaged vs. fighting with our human condition. We love being part of an actively evolving and creative community and endeavor with people who are celebrating our formidable dragon power in beauty, meaningful and connection



Choreography and Performance by Tobaric Atkins-Montana

Featuring Live Music by Javier Jara, Eduardo Cassapia, and Juan Rangel


Assimilation is a Modern and experimental dance piece that broadly dissects and explores the practices of assimilation and acculturation of Black and Indigenous people of Color. In my research process of the assimilation of the Native American people; I found myself enthralled and overwhelmed with emotions of pain, discomfort and unrest.

Lay Me Down


Choreographic Score by Amy Diane Morrow

In collaboration with Kayur Patel and Matty Owens

Rehearsal Director, David Quick

Featuring Live Music by Javier Jara, Eduardo Cassapia, and Juan Rangel

Don't wait for the weight 

To be over

Turn over

Some of us stare at the stars

Sometimes they fall

Don't wait for the night 

To be over

Turn around

Some of us see in the dark

Sometimes we stay

If you wait for the day

When the weight will be gone

You will be gone for good

It's the weight that tethers the earth 

That anchors the sea

That pulls your orbit to me

When the sun and the earth

And the moon align

You whisper to me what will be

Lay me down

Your weight is waiting

To be held

To be swung 

To be hugged

To be free

It asks one thing

One thing

Before you lay me down

Come dance with me

Come dance with me

Come dance with me



Choreography by Denver Gonzales

Performance by Denver Gonzales, Amy Diane Morrow, and Kayur Patel

Vocals and Guitar by David Quick

Musical arrangement of Hurt by Johnny Cash


Hurt people hurt people. Break the cycle and take your hurt to the streets by using your voice and protesting.


Life is about the redistribution of energy. We often focus on the deaths of the unhoused. We often forget to celebrate the lives and those who transition into housing. This is about two sides of the same coin and we have to look at the whole coin. Will you use your voice? There are people in the streets. Some ask for money change, and some ask for political change. Will you change?



LighT-up Parade


April 4, 5, 6 @8pm

Dougherty Arts Center Theater to Butler Park


Our life is our art, our art is our protest, and our rest is resistance.

We won't rest until everyone can rest. 




Blooming Dragon

Dance performances by Alanna Stubbs

Music by David Quick


This immersive work is an improvisational piece based on growth, reflection, and self-discovery. A part dragon part human creature to guide and navigate through the complicated questions life gives us and the re-birth that is found when we lean into these complex questions rather than running away.


Dual Nature


Dance by Persi Mey and Tobaric Atkins-Montana

Lately, I have found myself drawn to thoughts of existence and, more specifically, the balance of life. Death as a means to sustain and create life. This duet characterizes the unabating relationship between the forces of nature that rule the cycle of life; Highlighting in this depiction the feeling of vast never-ending. The two entities move together around a glowing tree.

Light Up Austin!

Fiber Optic Ligh-Up Fasion provided by Light Up Seatte. Available for purchase!

Light up Dragons provided by Wei Dai Dreams of Dragons. Available for purchase!

*100% of proceeds pay unhoused artists to produce their own art!



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