Gaga/people & Toolbox Master Class
Come experience Gaga with the fabulous Amy Morrow. We'll begin with Gaga as a warm up and continue with a Toolbox Session to explore the limitless ways we can use Gaga. Let's move and be moved.

Feb 10, 2019, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Hunter Dance Center, 747 N Shepherd Dr, Houston, TX 77007, USA
"Everybody shall dance!" Come to experience Gaga with the fabulous Amy Morrow. Dancers and non-dancers alike are welcome. Join us as we give thanks for our bodies and our wonderful community at HDC! Sunday Feb 10th, 10:30am-12:00pm, $20 pre/online registration, $25 @ the door.
// GAGA //
Gaga - Ohad Naharin's Movement language גאגא -שפת התנועה של אוהד נהרין. is a new way of gaining knowledge and self-awareness through your body. Gaga provides a framework for discovering and strengthening your body and adding flexibility, stamina, and agility while lightening the senses and imagination. Gaga raises awareness of physical weaknesses, awakens numb areas, exposes physical fixations, and offers ways for their elimination. The work improves instinctive movement and connects conscious and unconscious movement, and it allows for an experience of freedom and pleasure in a simple way, in a pleasant space, in comfortable clothes, accompanied by music, each person with himself and others.
Toolbox is a special session to experiment with endless possibilities using tools not rules. The Theorists share keys for unlocking our movement practice inside multi-disciplinary collaborations. We experiment with impossible tasks with optimism. We deconstruct our capacity for complexities to re-choreograph ourselves. We continuously push our limits, listen to the body, and ask “How is our dance relevant as artist citizens?”
Wear comfortable clothes. Be ready to dance barefoot or in socks. Bring a bottle of water and a towel.
Amy Morrow is a teacher, choreographer, consultant & founder of AM Arts. Since 2013, she produced 70+ professional TBX [ toolbox ] residencies in Austin & abroad including training in Gaga, Countertechnique®, Fighting Monkey™, Dance Film, Multi-Media & choreographic laboratories for Deborah Hay. Trained and certified by Ohad Naharin, Morrow teaches the revolutionary movement language, Gaga, alongside her own Professional Development Toolbox Sessions. She has served on staff for the American Dance Festival, as well as adjunct faculty at UT Austin and McCallum Fine Arts.
AM Arts manages award-winning choreographers from Tel Aviv, Bob Livingston Music, & Morrow’s collaborative platform, The Theorists. The Theorists are artist citizens collaborating internationally to present homegrown Art with people of diverse backgrounds, ages, and abilities. They co-hosted the award-winning film Mr. Gaga and performances with Meow Wolf during SXSW. The annual Theorist Fest premieres music, dance, and films by 50 artists from The States, México, Canada, India, and The Middle East.